This has been a time of deep stillness. This gives us the much needed opportunity to integrate the massive transformations that we have experienced so far this year. These transformations require us to make major recalibrations to our internal being and outer environment. This intense and thorough recalibration process has now begun. We have to repattern and reposition almost everything.
Many of us are still experiencing a series of Null Zones. Each time that this happens, not only is there a deep shattering, but something old leaves us. These are all expired elements that are ready to depart. So the Null Zones are actually serving a great purpose in helping us become more true and infinitely freer.
At this time, we may feel like our entire being is dissolving. We may feel so wide open and vulnerable that it feels like we don't have any skin to cover ourselves with. Numerous old roles and old personas are being stripped off of us. This is because we can't use these to define who we are anymore. Part of the process of emerging as a True One is this very necessary stripping off of our old roles and old personas.
While it's not necessarily very comfortable to feel so dissolved and raw, it's vitally important that we don't grab onto who we thought we were to make a temporary (and false) skin. We need to stay dissolved, stripped, raw, and wide open while our new skins are forming.
We are setting free many old elements of the past by taking them to a new level. We can transform our stuck old patterns by unpinning ourselves from our old selves. We can change our way of doing things simply by doing them as a True One.
We also have to be careful to avoid too much interaction with others, especially with those who want things from us, or who don't have clean or integrous energy. Too much outside input is not helpful at this time. Also, we have to be careful not to get lost in the search for information; instead just simply be....
It's natural at times to feel a deep sadness; this is because so much of the old and expired is dying away. There is even a dissolving of some of our Wildest Dreams and previously held beliefs about our New Lives. But no matter what, we shouldn't try to stop or slow down our dissolving process or try to hold onto any expired elements of the past. Simply, let them go. Releasing them creates empty space for the New and True to enter.
Once we do this, we can suddenly feel the New and this fills us with a burst of fresh energy and excitement. It's helpful at this time for us to do things that we have never done before. We don't need to wait for our New Life to arrive; we can start living in the somewhat shattered shards of our old lives as if we are already in our New Lives.
Be gentle with yourself at all times. Honor your Trueness. And especially, don't hold yourself back from LOVING and BEING LOVED. An abundance of LOVE is all around us, even when we feel empty and alone.
The NVISIBLE * 11:11
The NVISIBLE is a vast, transformational website where the Invisible is made visible. May we emerge as True Ones and walk upon the Path of Love.